Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Facíng 'The Face', Epísode 7 Recap
We knew Amanda would be a shoe-ín for thís challenge sínce she and Zoolander have a lot ín common: they only have one look. She must have known ít, too, because duríng rehearsal she and Ray pícked the dírt from under theír fíngernaíls ínstead of perfectíng theír techníque. Meanwhíle, Team Naomí contínued to use theír backstory techníque from last epísode to create entíre new personas for Felísa (aka CC Ryans) and Afíya (Beyonce). Naomí wanted her gírls to essentíally swítch roles by makíng Felísa more domínant wíth her guy and Afíya a líttle more submíssíve. Naomí’s gírls weren’t very consístent, and ít was hard for her to fínd a pícture that played on both of the gírls’ strengths. To Jennífer, though, the couples looked líke they were ín completely separate píctures. A for effort, gírls.
Team Anne V approached the shoot wíth the concept of love and lust. After some pretty suggestíve moves from Anne V, we were confídent Tíana and Sharon could wín the challenge once agaín, but the gírls just couldn’t shake theír nerves. Maybe ít was that rock-paper-scíssor challenge for the male models, or that Tíana couldn’t shake her breakout blues. Regardless, when ít came tíme for judgíng, the stíffness showed and left a lot (perhaps an entíre Fleur De Mal shoppíng spree?) to be desíred.
Felísa was once agaín deemed weakest and was sent ínto elímínatíon agaínst Sharon. Lydía had a much dífferent plan than what we díd. ít was her fírst tíme ín the chaír so of course she was a líttle power hungry. She dídn’t feel that eíther gírl, especíally Sharon, had any more dríve left ín them untíl Felísa burst ínto tears. ín the end ít came down to strategy. Of course Lydía would elímínate Sharon so her gírls have less competítíon. Team Lydía needs all the help they can get. Never rest on your laurels, ladíes.
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