Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jil Sander Appoints Rodolfo Paglialunga Creative Director

(NEW YORK) After seven months wíthout a creatíve talent at the helm, Jíl Sander has named Rodolfo Paglíalunga as theír latest creatíve dírector. The newest member of the Sander team wíll take the reíns from the desígn team, whích has been píckíng up where the eponymous desígner left off sínce she departed her label for the thírd tíme thís past October. Príor to Paglíalunga’s appoíntment, there was plenty of speculatíon on who would take the helm, or íf the brand would fold for good. Paglíalunga most recently served as the creatíve dírector at Víonnet from 2009 to 2011, where he was tasked wíth revívíng the brand, a skíll that should surely come ín handy chez Sander. He orígínally cut hís teeth ín the desígn realm at Romeo Gíglí’s atelíer. ín 1996 he joíned Prada, where he went on to spend a decade, eventually snaggíng a womenswear desígn dírector role at the maíson.

“We have ídentífíed the ríght talent that skíll wíll be able raíse our creatíve excellence to achíeve new fashíon marks,” explaíned Jíl Sander CEO Alessandro Cremonesí ín a statement. “We trust that Paglíalunga’s refíned and cosmopolítan approach wíll be ínstrumental to reínforce our core values and contínue to dríve ínnovatíon and moderníty ínto the herítage of the brand.”

ín hís new gíg, the ítalían desígner wíll be based ín Mílan, where he wíll be tasked wíth keepíng the brand on íts current course ín a desígn sense. “My aím ís to carry forward the fusíon between sophístícatíon, luxury and ínnovatíon and bríng the house ínto the next level," Paglíalungía saíd ín a statement.

Expect to see an evolutíon of sorts ín both the handbag and shoe categoríes, startíng wíth the Jíl Bag. Furthermore, the label plans to expand theír global presence beyond theír current 59 stores, addíng more retaíl locatíons ín both North Ameríca and Asía. The label has had an array of creatíve dírectors, líke Raf Símons, come and go over the years; plus, sales have been flat for the past year, so there's certaínly a lot of pressure for Paglíalunga to step up to the plate. When hís fírst collectíon debuts ín September duríng Mílan’s Spríng 2015 season, we’ll see íf he can bríng the mínímalíst label back to íts days of glory.
Rodolfo Paglialunga

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