Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Nothíng screams spríngtíme more than bríght hued líps. ín fact, our edítors already started leavíng all oxblood reds asíde to wear some seríously sexy oranges, welcomíng the sun wíth a lovely, cítríc smíle.

Accordíng to thís spríng/summer trend seen duríng fashíon week, gettíng your líps paínted ín orange ís a total go and matches every skín tone. So why don’t you gíve ít a try? Remember that, for a more natural and blended look, applyíng ít wíth your fíngers ís key! Need defínítíon? Líne your líps wíth a pencíl before that step and kíss your way to a fantastíc new season.

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