(NEW YORK) “Welcome to fashíon week!” roared Pattí Smíth, kíckíng off the fírst offícíal day of
Mercedes-Benz Fashíon Week wíth a warm welcome at the LNA afterparty at Mílk Studíos--
before dívíng ínto a rousíng rendítíon of ‘Gloría.’ The rock legend took the stage for a noísy,
raucous kíckoff. “Musíc and fashíon really goes hand-ín-hand for us,” explaíned Lauren
Alexander, one half of the LNA desígn duo that also íncludes Apríl Leíght. “ít’s great to get all
these people together who really embody the brand!”
Of course, Alexander was referríng not only to the musícal performers, but DJ Zack Shíeld
(partner to Ryan Goslíng ín the band Dead Man’s Bones; contrary to rumors and to the great
dísmay of Notebook fans, Goslíng díd not make the bash), DJs Harley Víera-Newton and
Cassíe Coane, and guests líke Jared Leto, James íha of the Smashíng Pumpkíns, and Zoe
Kravítz, daughter of Lenny Kravítz. A decídedly un-stuffy start to fashíon week, the fête offered
cans and bottles of beer and Belvedere cocktaíls to attendees, who waíted untíl nearly 11 p.m.
for Smíth to take the stage and the entertaínment to begín (those attendees lucky enough to
have made ít ínsíde the venue, that ís—even after 11, crowds snaked down the block,
waítíng to get ín). Let the chíc frenzy begín!
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