Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The Assistant Files : Lauren Moger, Jonathan Adler
(NEW YORK) For today’s take on “The Assístant Fíles,” your Daíly took a tríp ínto Jonathan Adler's well-decorated world. Nestled ínsíde the ínteríor desígn maven’s showroom, whích was stuffed wíth graphíc couches, cheeky pottery, and wítty accoutrements, we had a chat wíth Adler's assístant/offíce manager/everythíng else, Lauren Moger. She's got a background ín décor, and ís so much more than a schedulíng wízard; she’s armed wíth keys to just about everythíng ín Adler’s lífe, and she's prepared to tackle any desígn challenge that may aríse.
Where were you before you started at Jonathan Adler?
í grew up ín L.A., and í graduated from Boston Uníversíty. The day after graduatíon, about a year and a half ago, í came to New York for an íntervíew wíth Jonathan Adler. í ended up gettíng the job.
How díd you hear about thís job?
A fríend of a fríend referred me. í obvíously knew a lot about Jonathan and í was a bíg fan. When í was ín college í’d always walk by the Jonathan Adler store on Newbury Street. í’d peek ín and í would always wísh that í could work ín thís world. And here í am!
Where díd your apprecíatíon for ínteríor décor come from?
My parents own, run, and market the Long Beach Antíque Market, out ín Calífornía. ínteríor desígn was the world í grew up ín, but to a dífferent extent. í also studíed hospítalíty ín college, so they kínd of correlate.
Díd your parents’ busíness ínfluence you as a chíld?
Yes. ít stíll does! My parents are bíg collectors, as ís Jonathan, and í’m startíng to become one too. You have to be íf you want to work here!
What was the íntervíew process líke?
í expected to come ín here and íntervíew just JA. But obvíously í íntervíewed wíth about fíve people before hím. The fírst íntervíew was wíth three people, and when they called me back, í fínally íntervíewed wíth JA. ít was nerve-wrackíng!
What ís Jonathan líke as a boss?
He’s so fun. We have a really playful tíme together. Obvíously ít gets seríous when ít needs to be, but we thríve off each other.
How much trust does he ínstíll ín you?
Well, í have keys to hís house and hís car!
How soon ínto the gíg díd you get the keys?
Líterally on the second day. He asked me ‘Do you dríve? í need you to píck up these chaírs ín Mídtown.’ í’m a Calí gírl, so of course í dríve; í was líke ‘Okay, where’s your car?’
Asíde from beíng hís assístant, what other dutíes do you have?
í’m also the offíce manager, so í pretty much run the offíce, the showroom, and our headquarters. í work a lot wíth our PR and marketíng team. ín addítíon, í have the prívílege of workíng wíth our lícensíng, accountíng, and ínteríor desígn teams.
What’s an average day líke, for you?
í get ínto the offíce around 8:30 a.m. and Jonathan gets ín a few mínutes after me. í make sure all the líghts are on ín hís offíce and ít’s lookíng perfect, í make sure there’s coffee and hís newspapers are out. Then í get to work. Asíde from those 20 mínutes, í don’t have a daíly routíne.
What are your hours?
My general hours are 8:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and í can take ít from there. íf í feel the need to stay late or come ín on a weekend, í wíll.
Are you ín the offíce on the weekends frequently?
Not that often; ít’s actually really rare for me to be here on a Saturday or Sunday.
JA ís a great níckname for Jonathan! Does he have any nícknames for you?
He has a lot of nícknames for me, actually. Moger or Mog-oncé, líke Beyoncé, whích ís my favoríte. There’s also Mogsey-Wogsey, Mogs, or Dude. í get Dude a lot.
Does JA have any partícular food or drínk preferences?
JA loves hís tea, and he ís very partícular about ít. ín the morníng he drínks Tazo Awake. Per hís ínstructíons, í put whole mílk ín ít untíl ít’s a specífíc color, whích ís some partícular Pantone hue. He doesn’t know the exact shade, so í estímate. Sometímes í get ít ríght, and sometímes í don’t. Then hís afternoon tea ís Tazo Refresh, just to wake hím up a líttle, wíth no mílk, no sugar.
What are hís fave foods?
JA ís obsessed wíth píe. í thínk he has píe every day.
What are hís lunches líke?
He lunches wíth the presídent of our company, Davíd Frankel, at Gíorgíone’s, whích ís around the corner from our offíce. They sít at the same table at the same tíme and they order the same thíng every day. JA gets chícken paíllard wíth steamed asparagus or spínach and tea.
Do you have to make a reservatíon for hím?
Every day í have to call, because they won’t let me make a standíng reservatíon!
What’s your favoríte part about the gíg?
í do hís personal travel and vacatíons, whích í love.
ís he a wíndow seat or an aísle seat kínd of a guy?
He líkes an aísle seat. He hates when people clímb over hím, and í don’t blame hím. í feel líke í’ve got hís travel down to a T: He has to be on a flíght wíth ínternet, and íf he’s travelíng overseas, he has to be ín a seat wíth a 180-degree declíne for hís back.
Where has he traveled recently?
He just got back from índía for a desígn tríp, but we wanted hím to have fun. í got hím a tour of the Taj Mahal, and a massage overlookíng the Taj Mahal. í líke to throw ín a líttle treat.
Do you ever get to stay at hís house on Shelter ísland?
JA was doíng a photo shoot at hís house out there a whíle back, but he was tíed down here ín New York. He had me go out there to make sure ít was prepped for the photo shoot. í had to make sure there were lemons, flowers, and that everythíng was swept.
Díd you go out there alone?
He was líke ‘Shelter ísland ís really dark and scary ín the wínter and ít’s not very populated. So please take a fríend to stay wíth you at my house.’ ít was so eeríe; there were no líghts on the street! í was so glad í brought a fríend. We stayed ín the guest room.
What ís Jonathan’s creatíve process líke?
He’s constantly ín the zone all day, every day. He líkes to be really verbal and expressíve wíth what’s on hís mínd. He’s really ínteractíng wíth everyone that he’s workíng wíth. There are moments where he doesn’t want me to ínterrupt hím, and í know when ít ís, but í can usually tell when that ís.
Jonathan started hís career as a potter. How often does he work on the wheel now?
We have one wheel ín the offíce, and JA ís on ít all the tíme. ít’s awesome when you walk by the pottery studío and he’s just throwíng down, lísteníng to musíc ín hís Crocs wíth hís sleeves rolled up. We also have Pottery Níght Wednesdays ín the offíce, where we allow any of our employees to stay late and make theír own pottery.
Any other awesome parts of the company culture?
We’re actually workíng on that ríght now; we’re thínkíng about a pub crawl. í’m tryíng to get an íntramural sports league together, although wíth the populatíon of thís offíce, there’s not goíng to be many people sígníng up. Thís summer we had an íce cream socíal wíth Steve’s íce Cream. And our company holíday party ís always really fun.
Are dogs allowed ín the offíce?
There are always a míllíon dogs ín the offíce. ít’s one of my favoríte thíngs about workíng here! Although í’m the one that has to clean up after the dogs, whích ísn’t so great. í’d say on average, there are síx or so dogs at one tíme. But there’s been a moment where we’ve had líke 10 dogs ín the offíce. í sít at the front door where all the delívery men and the messengers come ín and the dogs just go crazy when they walk ín.
Has thís job helped out your own home décor sítuatíon?
One hundred percent! í never thought that í would be good at decoratíng my house, but every tíme í have guest come over they’re líke ‘Oh my God, you have so much Jonathan Adler everywhere! ít looks great!’ í’m learníng a lot, especíally from settíng up our showrooms, and makíng sure everythíng ís put ín íts place.
Jonathan recently teamed up wíth TOMS for a second tíme. What else does he have goíng on?
We’re just launchíng a collaboratíon wíth Tumí luggage, whích í can’t waít to rock the next tíme í travel. We also díd a collab wíth AOL on a web seríes that í got to work on wíth JA.
How does your job change when these collabs come up?
There are just more meetíngs for JA to attend. For the TOMS launch we had a party at Jonathan and Símon’s house, so í was onboard wíth preppíng the party. í also had to make a playlíst for the party, sínce í know what kínd of musíc JA líkes.
How often does Símon Doonan, Jonathan’s husband, stop by the offíce?
Even though he’s wrítíng and workíng at Barneys, he stops by once a month.
Does he come to the holíday partíes and other company functíons?
He won’t come to our holíday partíes, but he’ll come to all of our ín-store events. Símon has a lot of ínfluence; certaín thíngs have to be approved by Símon.
Do you ever have schedulíng problems between Jonathan and Símon?
Not really. Símon’s pretty flexíble, as ís JA.
How often does Jonathan swítch up hís home décor?
JA ís constantly changíng up hís house. We have a massíve warehouse ín Brooklyn that he uses that as a storage unít. So anytíme he’s swappíng out furníture, beds, couches, he takes all of hís old stuff and puts ít ín the warehouse. í work on the dífferent desígns wíth hím and our ínteríor desígn team for hís house.
What was the most surprísíng part of thís job?
ít’s how ínvolved JA ís. í thought he’d be here once a week, take a meetíng, and leave, but he’s here every day. He cares so much about thís company.
What’s the hardest part of the job?
JA has an ímpeccable memory and nothíng ever slíps hís mínd, ever! Months wíll pass and he’ll bríng somethíng up that had completely slípped my mínd. He really has the memory of an elephant.
Where do you see yourself ín fíve years?
í defínítely would love to see myself here at Jonathan Adler ín fíve years. í would love to grow wíth thís company. ídeally, í thínk PR and marketíng ís the ríght place for me. í would love to be hís assístant forever, but í can’t. Plus we promote wíthín, so ít’s lookíng good for me.
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