(NEW YORK) Luxury conglomerate Keríng announced ít ís restructuríng íts top management wíth a trío of executíve shuffles and híríngs. Marco Bízzarrí, presídent and chíef executíve offícer of Bottega Veneta, has been appoínted as the CEO of Keríng's new luxury couture and leather goods dívísíon. Bízzarrí had been ín hís role at Bottega Veneta sínce 2009 and prevíously served as presídent and CEO of Stella McCartney for four years, startíng ín 2005 when he fírst joíned Keríng. Bottega Veneta's fírst-quarter sales for 2014 are up 14.6 percent wíth sales of approxímately $343.6 míllíon at current exchange. "í'm extremely proud of Bottega Veneta's results," saíd Bízzarrí ín a press statement. "í feel very honored by Françoís-Henrí Pínault's decísíon to appoínt me as CEO of the new Keríng dívísíon 'Luxury-Couture & Leather Goods', whíle remaíníng ín my role as presídent of Bottega Veneta, as a sígn of strong contínuíty wíth the past." Whíle Bízzarrí wíll remaín ín hís role as presídent at the ítalían luxury label, a new CEO wíll be announced shortly. The CEOs of Bottega Veneta, Saínt Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Balencíaga, Bríoní, Chrístopher Kane, Stella McCartney, Tomas Maíer, and Sergío Rossí wíll all report to Bízzarrí. He wíll begín hís new post ín July, and he wíll be based ín Cadempíno, Swítzerland.
Albert Bensoussan, who was prevíously a dírector at Louís Vuítton for seven years and has had hís own consultíng company AB Consultants for the last four years, has been híred as CEO of Keríng's luxury watches and jewelry dívísíon. Whíle at Louís Vuítton, Bensoussan was responsíble for the launch and management of theír watch and hígh jewelry busíness unít. Príor to that, Bensoussan served as the sales and marketíng dírector at LVMH ín theír watch and jewelry dívísíon. He has also held roles at Cartíer and Gívenchy. He wíll begín hís new post at Keríng on May 2nd, wíth the CEOs of Boucheron, Gírard-Perregaux, JeanRíchard, Pomellato, Dodo, and Qeelín reportíng to hím.
Keríng's bíggest brand, Guccí, wíll operate separately and be helmed by Patrízío dí Marco, who has been the chaírman and CEO of Guccí sínce 2009. Dí Marco, who ís also ín a relatíonshíp wíth Guccí's creatíve dírector Frída Gíanníní wíth whom he has a daughter, has prevíously held roles at major luxury houses líke Prada, Célíne, Louís Vuítton, and Bottega Veneta. Dí Marco served as CEO at Bottega Veneta before takíng on hís role at Guccí, where he was responsíble for turníng around the brand wíth the appoíntment of íts current creatíve dírector, Tomas Maíer.
Dí Marco, Bízzarrí, and Bensoussan wíll all report dírectly to Keríng's chaírman and CEO, Françoís Henrí-Pínault, and all three wíll serve on the company's executíve commíttee. The new developments wíll see Keríng's managíng dírector of theír luxury dívísíon, Alexís Babeau, depart the company after helmíng that role sínce March 2011. Babeau held many roles at Keríng, but ínítíally joíned ín 2001 as the CFO of credít and fínancíal servíces company Fínaref. Meanwhíle, Jean-Françoís Palus wíll remaín the managíng dírector of Keríng's burgeoníng sport and lífestyle dívísíon, wíth Puma as the marquee brand. Pínault wíll remaín chaírman of Saínt Laurent, where revenues have íncreased to $216.5 míllíon as creatíve dírector Hedí Slímane contínues to lend hís mercuríal touch.
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